Carl A. Fields Center

At the Carl A. Fields Center, diverse perspectives and experiences of race, class, gender, and their intersections are supported and challenged, questioned and answered. Touchstones of engagement, empowerment, leadership, and action are realized through dialogues and discussions, the Princeton University Mentoring Program (PUMP), and the Carl Fields Fellows peer educator program. The Center itself offers a welcoming and inclusive space for study breaks, movie nights, festivals, and more.

The Fields Center’s mission is to foster unity among the Princeton community through programs and experiences that integrate self-awareness, multicultural and intercultural communication skills, social justice education, and leadership opportunities.

Visit the Fields Center >

Location: 58 Prospect Avenue Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone: (609) 258-5494
Fax: (609) 258-0443
Email: [email protected]

Photo of the Carl A. Fields Center logo

"I was introduced to the Field Center during my DDA orientation trip, and I immediately fell in love with it as I began working there and getting to know the many faces of the CAF. It’s a place where I can be sad, happy, and rightfully angry as well as a place where I can simply exist without the pressure of having to prove my belonging in this elite university community." — Saran Toure ‘22

Two students at Fields Day
Interior of Fields Center